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brook huggins

Choir Director & Worship Leader

Brook is a worship leader and choir director at Langston Baptist Church. She was raised in Loris, SC and was saved and baptized at 12 years old. She attended Presbyterian College for a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Bachelor of Arts in Music. Toward the end of college, the Lord made it clear to her that music is her vehicle for bringing people to Him, which then led her to The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for a Master of Church Music. She believes that God has called her to worship ministry and that worship must be Christ-centered and biblically-rooted. She loves the Lord and the people of Langston and is prayerfully expectant for God to be glorified and exalted through the praises of His people at Langston. Her prayer for our church is for God's name to be lifted high during every single worship service, to see God's people edified each week, for people to trust Jesus as their Savior from hearing the Word, and to see the worship choir and children's choir grow in 2023!

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Langston Baptist Church

763 SC-905

Conway, SC 29526​

843- 365-5141




Bible Study Groups - 9:30am

Worship - 10:30am


All Services - 7:00pm

(Adults, students, kids)




Monday - Thursday

9:00 - 5:00

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